Is Poker legal in Utah (ut)? Online Poker Laws in Utah Explained

- Online Poker is forbidden
- Live Poker is forbidden
- Online Casino is forbidden
- Sports Betting is forbidden
Can You Play Online Poker in Utah?
There is currently no legislation permitting online poker in the state.
Current Utah Gambling Laws
Utah long ago decided they don't want any type of gambling within their state borders. State law prohibits citizens from betting anything of value "on the outcome of a contest, game, scheme, or gaming device."
As such, the Beehive State doesn't have any sort of legalized gambling, joining Hawaii as the only other state in the country to adopt such a position. That means no casinos, no horse racing, no lottery. The state criminal code also explicitly bans online gambling stating that, even if it's legalized on a federal level, they don't want it in Utah.
Here's a snippet from the law: "If any federal law is enacted that authorizes Internet gambling in the states and that federal law provides that individual states may opt out of Internet gambling, this state shall opt-out of Internet gambling in the manner provided by federal law and within the time frame provided by that law."
Right now, it's also a misdemeanor if you're caught playing poker online. The Mormon faith, which is rooted in Utah's history, dictates vice-free living, and gambling falls into the vice category according to those mandates.
If there's a state that's extremely unlikely to ever host online gaming, it's Utah.
Best Online Poker Sites for Utah Players
None at present. But you can always play poker for free with the WSOP Social App.